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About Religion & God - Lucifer

I am incapable of grasping the creation of prophets. 

It’s quite incredible really, to imbue a human with powers to do God’s bidding. 

What an absurd idea. 

You have certainly witnessed the chaos the first three brought upon the world? 

Religion unhinged the scale of balance, creating a deep void, generating a perpetual supply of evil. 

Nations have been at war for something their ancestors cannot even begin to recollect. 

Men killing men because their beliefs do not correlate. 

The prophets ordered their followers to convert others if possible and kill the infidels. 

Religion is madness. 

It has even driven them blind! 

Humans fail to blame God for any atrocity. 

They instead believe they are the ones at fault, notwithstanding that their disease must still spread.

That kind of thinking creates these incalculable amounts of pitiful, inadequate, defected zealots who want to force the way of God. 

Why is it people believe in God? 

Is it because of faith? 


Because he instils fear into your hearts! 

Live a life without sin, a task impossible! Yet those who follow him are those who bear the heaviest of transgressions.

If only he could unravel the true weight of sin, he too would fall from grace.

Nonetheless, he pummels a judgemental fist on the table,

Worship me or burn for all eternity!

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